Coronavirus mobile testing facility in Warrington to support essential workers and vulnerable groups

Coronavirus mobile testing facility in Warrington to support essential workers and vulnerable groups

Essential workers that live or work in Warrington, as well as other eligible groups and members of their households, can now apply online to get tested at Warrington’s coronavirus mobile testing unit between Sunday 10 May and Tuesday 12 May.

The mobile testing unit, which is staffed by the military and is a drive-through facility, will operate by appointment only. Anyone who attempts to turn up at a testing facility without an appointment will be turned away.

If you have booked an appointment, you will need to drive in your own vehicle or in a vehicle driven by someone in your household.

The range of people who can be tested at the mobile testing unit has been broadened in line with national guidance. It now includes:

  • All those working on the frontline in health and social care (with or without symptoms)
  • Residents in care homes (with or without symptoms)
  • All other essential workers with symptoms
  • Anyone over 65 with symptoms
  • Anyone over the age of 18 who goes into work because they cannot work from home and has symptoms (eg construction workers, bus drivers, bin crews)
  • Anyone over the age of 18 who has symptoms and lives with someone who meets any of the above criteria

To book a test at the mobile testing unit in Warrington, essential workers and other eligible groups can access the government self-referral portal to register and book on behalf of themselves or a member of their household. The booking process including the time when Warrington is added as an option to this portal is being led nationally and is not owned or influenced by local arrangements for each mobile testing unit. People who are eligible for testing will be allocated a booking timeslot and will be told the location of the mobile unit after booking.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Russ Bowden, said: “This mobile testing unit is a good example of how partners across health and social care are working together locally to respond to Covid-19. Providing better access to the testing is crucial – it will ensure we have a healthy, resilient workforce to support our patients and communities”.

“It is so important to be able to offer testing for the virus close to home for our essential workers who are doing so much for us all, so that they can safely come back to work and continue to support our local response to coronavirus.”

People who have a confirmed booking and time need to take some form of ID with them eg a work pass with a photo or a driver’s licence. People without a booking will be turned away without exception.

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